ADDHELP.EXE : adds help screens to .COM files version 1.0 August 1994 written by John Nurick Description =========== ADDHELP.EXE modifies .COM files so that they display a help message when invoked with the standard '/?' parameter, just like standard internal and external DOS commands. This manual also gives instructions for adding a `/?' help screen to a batch file. Contents ======== Background..........................................2 Using ADDHELP.EXE...................................2 Instructions ....................................2 Limitations and Caveats .........................3 Patching ........................................4 Self-checking programs and anti-virus systems ...4 Help Message Hints ..............................4 Adding Help to Batch Files..........................5 Disclaimer..........................................5 ADDHELP.EXE INSTRUCTIONS 2 Background ========== There are so many useful little utility programs that it is almost impossible to remember what they all do, let alone the command line parameters and switches they need. A few offer help if you invoke them with no parameters, or with a particular parameter (e.g. /?, /h, h, ?, -h, /help). Others, especially TSRs and mini-programs created from DEBUG scripts, may ignore such parameters and do unexpected things to your system. DOS 5.0 made a start in clearing up this mess. All standard DOS 5.x and 6.x commands, internal and external, display a brief explanation of their use and syntax if they are invoked with the /? switch. ADDHELP.EXE lets you bring most .COM utilities from other sources, including the ones you create from DEBUG scripts, into line with this convention. Using ADDHELP.EXE ================= ADDHELP will modify practially any .COM file so that it will display help information when invoked with /?. Almost all programs will work absolutely as normal after modification: see *Limitations and Caveats* below. ADDHELP.EXE takes a .COM file and an file of ASCII help text and creates a new .COM file with code to display the help message or run the original program. ADDHELP can also dis- mantle a file it has modified and recreate the original .COM and help text files. Syntax: ADDHELP /A[dd] STANDARD.COM HELP.TXT MODIFIED.COM ADDHELP /E[xtract] MODIFIED.COM HELP.TXT STANDARD.COM ADDHELP (display syntax message) ADDHELP /? (Display help screens) STANDARD.COM [pathname of] program without help facility HELP.TXT file containing help text MODIFIED.COM [pathname of] program with help facility ADDHELP.EXE INSTRUCTIONS 3 Instructions (1) Suppose you want to add a /? help facility to the utility STANDARD.COM (see "Limitations and caveats" below for information on what kinds of program may not be suitable for ADDHELP). (2) Prepare an ASCII text file containing the help information. Let's call it HELP.TXT. This should not exceed 20 to 23 lines, to allow room for the DOS prompt. If it displays nicely with the command TYPE HELP.TXT, it will work. (3) Issue the command ADDHELP /A STANDARD.COM HELP.TXT MODIFIED.COM ADDHELP will display progress messages (or error messages!). If all goes well, MODIFIED.COM will behave *exactly* like STANDARD.COM except that when you issue the command MODIFIED /? it will display your help screen. Suggested working practices Keep the original .COM files in one directory or disk, and put the modified ones in another, and the help screen files possibly in a third. Alternatively, rename the original file first, e.g.: REN STANDARD.COM *.C_M ADDHELP /A STANDARD.C_M STANDARD.HLP STANDARD.COM Limitations and Caveats The original and modified files ("STANDARD.COM" and "MODI- FIED.COM") must have different filespecs. If they are in the same directory they must have different names, but if you specify different drives or directories they can have the same name. You must specify the full name (including extension) of each file. With this exception, ADDHELP output files will over- write existing files of the same name without warning. ADDHELP has worked on every .COM file on which it has been tested. But it has not been tested on and is not recom- mended for .COM files which act as loaders for large programs (e.g. WIN.COM in Microsoft Windows or WS.COM and WORD.COM in some versions of WordStar and Microsoft Word). ADDHELP will not create a file if it would exceed the 64k .COM limit. Do not use ADDHELP on programs that modify their own .COM files in the course of ordinary activity. See "Patching" below. ADDHELP.EXE INSTRUCTIONS 4 .EXE files cannot be modified in the same way as .COM files. To confuse matters, files with a .COM extension can sometimes be in .EXE format. ADDHELP can identify most .EXE format files and will refuse to modify them. Patching Special care is needed when patching a program modified by ADDHELP (e.g. to change colours or hot keys). MODIFIED.COM contains all the code and data that is in STANDARD.COM, but not all of it is in exactly the same locations in the file. Consequently, attempts to patch bytes at particular locations may have unpredictable results. This is true whether you are patching with a disk editor, a separate configuration program, or (and especially) a self- modifying program. You can avoid this problem by using the ADDHELP /Extract command line switch, which extracts code and data from MODI- FIED.COM to restore copies of STANDARD.COM and HELP.TXT. These can then be altered as necessary before being re-combined into a new version of MODIFIED.COM by running ADDHELP in the usual way. The copies of STANDARD.COM and HELP.TXT produced by ADDHELP /E are identical to the originals, except that if the original STANDARD.COM was shorter than 32 bytes, the extracted reconstructed version will be padded out to 32 bytes. Self-checking programs and anti-virus systems Some programs check themselves when they run to detect unau- thorised changes such as those made by a virus. They should also detect the changes made by ADDHELP. If this happens, there is nothing for it but go back to using STANDARD.COM. If you use an anti-virus system that keeps track of legal executable files, you will have to register MODIFIED.COM with the virus checker. Help Message Hints Use any editor or word processor that can produce plain ASCII files to create your help text. To save disk space, keep the text as short as you reasonably can, and make sure it fits in 23 lines or fewer so that the beginning does not scroll off the screen. It is a good idea to include copyright details of the original program and the fact that it has been modified by ADDHELP. ADDHELP.EXE INSTRUCTIONS 5 Adding Help to Batch Files ========================== It is easy to make a batch file display a help message in response to the /? parameter. For example: @echo off rem DEMO.BAT if "%1"=="/?" goto HELP rem Put batch file commands here! echo Hello World!. pause rem End of batch file commands goto END :HELP rem Put echo commands for help message here echo. echo DEMO.BAT echo Demonstrates use of /? help switch in a batch file. echo Syntax: DEMO (runs main batch code) echo DEMO /? (displays help message) echo. :END Disclaimer ========== The author gives no undertaking or warranty as to the per- formance of ADDHELP.EXE or its suitability for any purpose whatever, and accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from its use. On the other hand, he doesn't ask anything from its users either, except perhaps to be told of any bugs they find or improvements they make. ALWAYS KEEP BACKUPS OF EVERYTHING!!!